【太らないダイエットレシピ】鶏むね肉チャーシュー♪家計にも体にも嬉しい☆Recipe for a non-fattening diet: Chicken Meat Char Siew ☆








引用元:© 2024 Kou’sKitchen


鶏胸肉 2枚
長ネギ 1本
卵   5個

水   1200ml
醤油  250ml
みりん 150ml
酒   150ml
砂糖  大さじ1
はちみつ 20g
生姜   10g
ニンニク 1かけ
ローリエ 1枚

塩   ひとつまみ
昆布茶 大さじ1
味の素 3振り
ごま油  大さじ1~2

国産鶏肉 鶏むね肉 2kg×2個セット あべどり 十文字チキン その他国産 業務用 冷蔵品 特選若鶏 ブロイラー

翻訳 Translation

Hello everyone! I’m Kou’sKitchen, a 41 year old former restaurant owner… ♪
A great diet recipe that’s easy on the family budget and your body… ♪
It can be served with ramen, fried rice, or as an accompaniment to rice!
I hope you will try my recipes!

This channel is,
This channel is for everyone who thinks “I’m not good at cooking, I don’t have time, I want to save money…”.
I’m posting this channel to make it as easy as possible and as authentic as possible so that you don’t fail.
I am posting this channel with the aim of making it as easy and authentic as possible without making any mistakes☺.
I am trying my best to be a cookery researcher!

I would appreciate it if you could give me a high rating and subscribe to my channel!

Recipe for a non-fattening diet: Chicken Meat Char Siew ☆Healthy for both the family budget and your body


2 chicken breasts
1 green onion
5 eggs

1,200 ml water
250ml soy sauce
150ml mirin (sweet cooking rice wine)
150ml sake
1 tbsp sugar
20g honey
10 g ginger
1 garlic clove
1 bay leaf

Pinch of salt
1 tbsp kelp tea
3 sprinkles of ajinomoto
1 to 2 tablespoons sesame oil

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