外国人が驚く日本の飲み物6選!6 Japan drinks that surprise foreigners



引用元:© 2024 Kou’sKitchen






  1. 梅酒は弥生時代に中国から渡来し
  2. 当時、砂糖は貴重品だったため、梅酒は裕福な人々しか飲むことができない
  3. 梅酒はアルコール度数が高いことで知られており
  4. 健康効果が期待される一方で、大量の砂糖が使われるため
  5. 梅酒に含まれるクエン酸は疲労回復や血流改善に効果があると言われており


  1. アルコール度数が高すぎる日本酒: 日本で一番アルコール度が高い日本酒は
  2. 納豆と日本酒: 日本酒を造る期間、酒蔵で働く人々は納豆を食べません
  3. 日本酒の名前に一番使われている漢字: 日本酒の銘柄には漢字が使われることが多く
  4. 上戸と下戸: お酒の好きな人、強い人を「上戸」といい
  5. お酒を飲んで「くだをまく」: お酒を飲んだ時に会話がくどくなる状態のことで


  1. ワンカップの誕生:
  2. ワンカップの内容量: ワンカップ大関の内容量は180ml(180cc)です
  3. ワンカップのイメージ: ワンカップと聞くと「おじさんの飲み物」という
  4. ワンカップの人気: ワンカップ大関は発売から15年で1億本の売り上げを突破し


  1. レモンサワーとレモンハイの違い: レモンサワーとレモンハイは非常に似ていますが、微妙な違いがあります。レモンハイは「焼酎とレモン、炭酸」を使って作られますが、レモンサワーはウォッカやジンを使ってもレモンサワーに分類されます
  2. 地域による呼び名の違い: 関東では「レモンサワー」、関西では「レモンハイ」という呼び名が一般的です
  3. 料理との相性: レモンサワーは油ものやニオイの気になる料理との相性が良いです。炭酸が口に残った油を洗い流してくれるため、唐揚げやアヒージョなど油を使った料理と相性抜群です
  4. レモンサワーのビタミンC: レモンサワーにはレモン由来のビタミンCが含まれています。ビタミンCは抗酸化作用があり、美肌効果や風邪予防に役立つとされています。
  5. レモンサワーの起源: レモンサワーの起源は明確ではありませんが


  1. ほろよいの種類: サントリーの人気商品『ほろよい』は
  2. ほろよいのアルコール度数: ほろよいのアルコール度数は3%で
  3. 台湾: 台湾では「ほろよい」が非常に人気があり
  4. 韓国: 韓国でも「ほろよい」は人気があります


  1. ストロングゼロの人気: ストロングゼロの人気の理由は「安く酔えるから」です
  2. ストロングゼロ文学: ストロングゼロはネガティブな問題を
  3. ストロングゼロの成分: ストロングゼロのパッケージに記載されている原料を見ると
  4. ストロングゼロの歴史: サントリーが「ストロングゼロ」を発売したのは

翻訳 translation

Hello everyone! I’m Kou’sKitchen, a 41 year old former restaurant owner… ♪
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Umeshu (plum wine)
Umeshu (plum wine) was introduced from China in the Yayoi period
and its recipe is described in the book “Honchoshokan” written in the Genroku period of the Edo era (1603-1868).
It has a history of about 300 years.

At that time, sugar was a precious commodity, so ume-shu was a very expensive drink that only the wealthy could drink.
It was a very expensive drink.

Umeshu is known for its high alcohol content
It is recommended to use at least 35 degrees alcohol to preserve it.
This is considerably higher than wine’s 13-15 degrees!

While the health benefits are expected, the large amount of sugar used in the drink can make you fat if you drink too much.
It is also said that drinking too much can lead to weight gain.

Citric acid in ume wine is said to be effective in relieving fatigue and improving blood flow.
It is also said to be good for preventing summer fatigue.

Sake with too much alcohol: The highest alcohol content sake in Japan is
The highest alcohol content sake in Japan is “Echigo Samurai” produced by Tamagawa Shuzo in Niigata Prefecture.
Its alcohol content is as high as vodka at 46 degrees Celsius!
However, it is classified as a “liqueur” because of its high alcohol content.

Natto and Sake: During the sake making process, the workers in the brewery do not eat natto.
The reason is that natto interferes with the microorganisms necessary for sake brewing.

Kanji is the most common kanji used in sake names: Kanji is often used in the name of sake brands.
The most common kanji used in sake brands is “yama” (mountain).

Ueto and Shimoto: People who like or are strong drinkers are called “Ueto” and people who are weak or non-drinkers are called “Shimoto”.
A person who is weak or does not drink is called a “Shitato”.
When Qin Shi Huangdi built the Hamyang Palace, the watchtower used to guard the palace was called “Kamito” and the lower antechamber was called “Shimotome,
The lower part of the palace was called “Shitamono.

To “roll up one’s sleeves” after drinking alcohol: This is the state in which one’s conversation becomes tedious when drinking alcohol.
The origin of the word is “to wind a pipe,” and “pipe” refers to the wheel by which the thread is pulled.
It comes from the sound of the same thing being repeated over and over again, making a loud noise.

One cup

The Birth of One Cup
One Cup was launched on the opening day of the 1964 Tokyo Olympics.
Its purpose was to solve the problem of how to get young people to drink sake.
One Cup was created as a solution to the problem of how to get young people to drink sake.

One-Cup content: The content of One-Cup Ozeki is 180 ml (180 cc).
However, some products are also available in 200 ml (200 cc).

Image of One-Cup: When you hear the word “one-cup”, you may think of it as “an old man’s drink”.
but in fact, One-Cup was originally designed for the younger generation.
One-cup is actually a product that was originally designed for younger people.

Popularity of One-Cup: One-Cup Ozeki has sold over 100 million bottles in the 15 years since its launch and has continued to sell for 20 years.
and has continued to sell for 20 years!

Lemon Sour

Difference between Lemon Sour and Lemon Hai: Lemon Sour and Lemon Hai are very similar, but there are subtle differences. Lemon high is made with “shochu, lemon, and carbonation,” while lemon sour can be made with vodka or gin and still be classified as a lemon sour.

Regional differences in terminology: In Kanto, it is commonly called “lemon sour,” while in Kansai, it is called “lemon high.

Food compatibility: Lemon Sour goes well with oily or smelly food. The carbonation helps to wash away any oil left in the mouth, making it a perfect match for fried foods, ahi jus, and other oil-based dishes.

Vitamin C in Lemon Sour: Lemon Sour contains vitamin C derived from lemons. Vitamin C has antioxidant properties and is believed to help improve skin and prevent colds.

Origin of Lemon Sour: The origin of lemon sour is not clear.
It is believed to have already existed in the 1950s.

Kind of “Horoiyoi

Types of “Horoiyoi”: Suntory’s popular “Horoiyoi” has a low 3% alcohol content and is a juice-like drink.
It has a low alcohol content of 3% and can be drunk like a juice, and there are a total of 44 varieties.
There are 44 varieties in total, including White Sour, Grape Sour, Peach Sour, White Grape Sour, Iced Tea Sour, and Iced Grape Sour.
Iced Tea Sour, Umeshu Soda, Cassis and Orange, Cola Sour
Grapefruit Salty, Lemon Ginger, Honey Lemon, Lemon
Green apple, etc.

The alcohol content of Mororoi is 3%.
Its drinkability is considered a savior for weak drinkers all over the world.

Taiwan: In Taiwan, “Horuyoshi” is very popular and is a part of the daily life of Taiwanese people.
It is a part of the daily life of Taiwanese people.
In Taiwan, “Horoiyoi” is always sold in convenience stores and supermarkets.
New products are introduced every month.

Korea: “Horoiyoi” is also popular in Korea.
because it is low in alcohol content and can be enjoyed casually,
It is especially popular among young people.

Strong Zero

Popularity of Strong Zero: The reason for the popularity of Strong Zero is that it is a cheap way to get drunk!
It has a high alcohol content, so you only need a small amount to get drunk, and the price is very reasonable.

Strong Zero Literature: Strong Zero is said to be a “drinking welfare” drink that helps people forget about negative issues.
It is said that Strong Zero is a “drinking welfare” drink that helps people forget about negative problems.
One day, a tweet was discovered in which a person expressed his/her psychological state with Strong Zero as if it were literature.
It became known as “Strong Zero Literature”!

Ingredients in Strong Zero: When you look at the ingredients listed on the Strong Zero package, you will notice that many artificial sweeteners are used.
Strong Zero’s ingredients list shows that many artificial sweeteners are used.

History of Strong Zero: Suntory launched Strong Zero in
in 2009 with an initial strength of 8%.
In 2014, the “Double Lemon” flavor, one of several flavors available, was increased to 9%.
